Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Davis and Troy families got together for a delicious Thanksgiving dinner. Uncle Pat did the cooking and made lots of our favorite stuffing. We had a great time with lots of laughs and teasing. There is nothing better than family time at Thanksgiving.
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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

In August 2009, Toni Jones took Ty to the Corning Glass museum. In addition to the tour, Ty spent quite a bit of time learning how to work with glass in a hands-on way. He designed a drinking glass, and used a blowpipe to make a beautiful ornament. He had a terrific time.

Thank you Toni for the wonderful experience.
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Thursday, July 16, 2009

This is the first full-family picture we've had in several years. We were all together for Gregory's high school graduation party - - and it was pouring rain. So we are soggy, but very happy to all be together. We had a great time.
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Monday, June 29, 2009

New affirmation statement - 6/29/09

  • I will be working at MetLife until my normal retirement date in 2021 (12 more years).
  • I am a leader for my unit, my organization, and my division. I make a difference every day.
  • I am a strong force for change, and have a very positive attitude.